The MapScore site has been updated! The most exciting new feature is Batch Upload.
- Batch Upload! In one fell swoop, upload and re-score all your models and cases (or as many as necessary). No more clicking around or messing with “active” vs “inactive” cases. (Unless you want to...)

- Corollary: you can now redo any case. New values simply replace old values. The old system was too rigid. Modelers are developing as they test, and often discover glitches in the model or data layers.
- Upload now accepts all RGB and Grayscale PNG images, using the Python Imaging Library to convert them to grayscale before scoring. (Of course, there is no guarantee that the conversion preserves the rankings of your idiosyncratic full-color heatmap, but that’s not really our problem is it? J )
- Leaderboard: fixed averages & confidence intervals, improved formatting.
There are various and sundry small fixes in this a previously un-announced update. For example:
- Cleaner login:
- Upgraded to a production webserver & virtual machine.
- Refactored a bunch of back-end code. Of course.
Elena is now running batches of “Updated” versions of the base models (Distance, Watershed, Combined). We discovered glitches in the way ArcGIS was exporting PNG files. For now we are leaving the old models up for comparison, but will eventually just replace them.
- SysAdmin extraordinaire Nick Clark for the core upgrades.
- Summer high-school intern Hardhik Nadella for streamlined HTML.
- Elena Sava (now a graduate student!) & Mukul Sonwalkar for improvements to the baseline models.
- 2013 DHS SBIR award to dbS Productions, LLC to support work batch upload.
- 2011 NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates award to Brigham Young University to create MapScore in the first place.
- IARPA & Mason: Day-to-day funding for MapScore comes from (a small portion of) the overhead funds from my day job, the SciCast Science & Technology forecasting project.